Romans 15 – Synopsis

These instructions close the epistle. From chapter 15:8, it is the exordium, the personal circumstances of the apostle, and salutations.

In verses 8 to 12, he sums up his thoughts respecting God’s dealings with the Jew and the Gentile in the advent of Jesus. He was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to accomplish the promises made to the fathers. For to the Jews God had made promises; but none to the Gentiles. To the latter it was not truth that was in question: but by grace they might through Jesus glorify God for His mercy. For them the apostle quotes passages from Deuteronomy (that is to say, from the Law), from the Psalms, and from the Prophets. ...  ... read full writing



主现在(约翰福音 14 章)开始与他们谈论祂即将离去的事。祂要去的地方,他们不能去。在人的眼中,他们似乎要被独自留在地上。主正是针对这种看似孤寂的状态,向他们表明祂是他们信心的对象,就像神是他们信心的对象一样。藉此,祂向他们揭示了关于他们处境的全部真理。祂的工作并不是所讨论的主题,而是他们因那工作而得的地位。祂的位格 (祂的自己, His Person) 应是他们明白那地位的关键,现在也仍然是:将要来的圣灵保惠师,将是他们享受那地位的能力,甚至更多。 ...  ... read full writing